
To accomplish our mission, we’ve developed three distinct programs:

monthly senior support

Loneliness to Togetherness: Monthly Senior Support

This initiative involves monthly outreach efforts tailored to seniors residing in low-income or public housing complexes in Santa Clara County. Curated activities such as free haircuts, photo shoots, birthday celebrations, karaoke, dancing, and complimentary lunches are designed to bring joy and foster a sense of community. Volunteer hairdressers, photographers, and dancers collaborate to create memorable experiences during each visit.


Generations United: Summer Outreach Program

Scheduled to launch in July 2024, this program aims to bridge the generation gap by engaging high school students in monthly visits to seniors. Through shared activities like music, arts and crafts, and interactive sessions, the program facilitates exchanges of experiences and stories between younger and older generations. Beyond fostering understanding and compassion, it also contributes to the education of the younger generation while offering companionship to seniors.

culture bridge

CrossGen Connect: Cultural Celebration

Our annual event, “CrossGen Connect: Senior Day,” is a vibrant celebration aimed at providing entertainment and cultural experiences to lonely seniors. With over 300 participants from low-income or public housing complexes, the day includes free lunch, photo shoots, professional makeup sessions, and a spectacular fashion show featuring Vietnamese traditional dresses. Seniors are paired with their grandchildren or assigned volunteer students, fostering meaningful connections. This program emphasizes the importance of preserving and sharing cultural heritage, bringing smiles to seniors, and nurturing intergenerational bonds through culture and fashion.